The new way of applying pressure!

The HPP 200 is a very compact high-pressure pump that is particularly suitable for pressurization when pumping low-viscosity liquids. The basic version of the pump is designed for a continuous operating pressure of 200 bar. The separation between the high-pressure circuit and the lubricated tappet drive enables non-lubricating liquids (e.g. water, gasoline, etc.) to be conveyed.

No compromises have to be made in terms of service life, even at high speeds. The HPP 200 is used, among other things, as a high-pressure pump for combustion engines, heating water and atomizing systems. On request, we will be happy to check the possibility of application-specific adjustments in terms of delivery rates or chemical resistance of the materials used.


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HPP 200 high pressure pump

Technical specifications

The HPP 200 is a valve-controlled radial piston pump with constant displacement. At the low-pressure inlet, the medium is pumped into the pump under low pre-pressure. The pump shaft is set in rotation by an external drive, with the torque being transmitted via a form fit on the drive journal.

The pump shaft has an eccentric on which the pressure tappet rests. The eccentric rotating with the pump shaft sets the pressure tappet in a cyclical upward or downward movement, which alternately reduces and increases the volume in the high-pressure chamber. The control valves integrated in the pump ensure that the high-pressure chamber is filled with liquid during the downward movement and is displaced into the high-pressure outlet during the upward movement. A sealing system is located between the high pressure chamber and the eccentric chamber, which prevents an exchange of the conveying and lubricating medium.

Main features
Delivery pressure
10 to 200 bar
Volume flow *
up to 1.6 L / min
Inlet pressure
2 to 4 bar
Drive speed
up to 3,750 rpm
Geom. displacement
0.429 cm3 / rev
Number of pistons
Direction of rotation of the shaft
no influence
Mounting position
any / no specification
Line connections
2 x screw-in thread G1 / 8 “
Conveyed media
including low-viscosity and non-lubricating liquids (e.g. water or fuels)
1Ihr Wunsch
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